I felt the need to write after reading the comment the
Pharmac medical director, Dr Peter Moodie, made in the article ‘Food or Foe?’,
published in the March issue of the North & South magazine. He says
“We appreciate teaching people to use a syringe can be difficult, but it is
something all diabetic children have to contend with”. He
seems to have missed the point completely; drawing up adrenaline in a
syringe in an emergency situation where timing is crucial is incomparable
to diabetic children injecting themselves regularly with insulin because
they have high blood sugar levels. The focus of a diabetic’s care is very
different to that of an allergy sufferer’s care; in comparing the two Dr
Moodie has trivialised the emergent needs of people with allergies, as well as
those who care for them, by over simplifying the actions required for
life-saving measures.
As a member of the medical profession I understand and
empathise with both the short- and long-term difficulties diabetic children and
their families face. As a mother of a child with multiple allergies I
live with the challenges he faces daily, and support those who support him when
he is not in my care (he is 8 so he goes to school). I have to agree with
Dr Vincent St Aubyn Crump who says it is “ridiculous” to assume people will be
able to manually draw adrenaline from an ampoule using a syringe and needle –
even after many years of drawing up drugs in emergency situations my hands (and
those of my colleagues), still shake when doing this task– often medicine
needs to be redrawn because of this. For this reason I continue to buy an adrenaline auto-injector as opposed to the cheaper option of needle and syringe – the risk of relying on
‘cost-effective’ measures when my son’s life could be reliant on immediate
medicinal administration is not worth taking.
With Dr Moodie at the helm it
seems unlikely that Pharmac will be funding the auto-injectors in the
near future. It would be wise if more research and understanding of both
diabetes and anaphylaxis underpins further remarks Dr Moodie may make on this
Kind regards
Tania Scahill
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