very useful health care plan was sent in by Kimberley Madden-Snoad who is the
Allergy New Zealand South & East Auckland Support Group Coordinator.

whose daughter has food allergies, is also a secondary school teacher. In
2008 Kimberley and her husband organised and ran activities for our teen camp.
Health Care Plan
The M.O.E. document “Health Conditions In Education Settings: Supporting
children and young people” states that “Many children and young people
identified as having health conditions will need a health care plan.” (p15) It
particularly identifies children who have “allergies that can result in
anaphylactic shock” as needing a “detailed health care plan.” (p 15)
document explains that the health care plan is written by “Principals … with
input from a child’s wider support team.” (p 16) This can include the parents,
relevant teachers, management and the Public Health Nurse. (p 17)
are some areas of concern for children with food allergies. They need to be
addressed in their health care plan. Solutions will depend on the child’s
particular allergies.
Issue: Relieving teachers
Can they identify the allergic children in the class?
Are they trained to recognise the signs of an allergic
Do they know what to do if a child is having an allergic reaction?
Who is responsible for relieving teachers’ education?
Ø A copy of the action plan could be
inside the roll and on the wall in the classroom.
Issue: Extra teachers
Assuming that the main teacher is properly trained, are the other
teachers (eg art, computer) trained and do they know which are the allergic
children in the class?
Who is responsible for making sure they are prepared?
Do they use any equipment that would put the child at extra risk?
Ø All staff should have an annual
refresher on dealing with food allergies. The Public Health Nurse is
responsible for delivering this.
Issue: Duty teachers
Can they identify the allergic children in the playground?
Are they trained to recognise the signs of an allergic
Do they know the emergency procedures?
Who is responsible for making sure they are prepared?
Ø All the allergic children’s photos
should be in the staff room with a list of their allergies so that all staff
are familiar with them.
Ø In some schools the duty
teacher has a small laminated photo of each of the allergy, or other health
problem, kids on a key ring, which they carry round in their duty bag, so
they can readily identify any children in the playground if they are
Ø Some
schools have purchased an Epipen which the duty teacher carries around.
Ø If staff
have regular first aid updates the school could request that anaphylaxis is
part of this.
Duty teachers could carry a “red card” that they could give to a child to take to the office if they need help in the playground.
Duty teachers could carry a “red card” that they could give to a child to take to the office if they need help in the playground.
Issue: Morning tea
Who is responsible for making sure that the children are safe?
Ø The teacher aid could supervise and
then have some extra free time later on.
Ø The duty teacher could make a point of
checking on the at-risk children.
Issue: Lunchtime
Who is responsible for making sure that the children are safe?
Ø The duty teacher could check the
children sitting around the allergic child to see if anyone had dangerous food.
Issue: Wet lunch time
Who is responsible for making sure that the children are safe?
What procedures are in place to ensure adult supervision of eating
How will the food be contained (eg food dropped on the carpet)?
Is the child kept safe in a way that doesn’t ostracise them or set them
up for bullying?
Who is responsible for training wet day monitors?
Ø The children could sit on a big
plastic mat which is taken out and cleaned after lunchtime. The allergic child
would sit on the edge of the mat or on a chair.
Ø The children sit at their table which
are cleaned down at the end. There is no wandering around with food. The
allergic child sits at a table with others who have “safe” food.
Ø If the classroom teacher is
unavailable a teacher aid could supervise eating time and then have some extra
lunch time in the afternoon.
Ø The class could all eat in another
room so that their classroom is kept clean and safe. They would still need to
be supervised.
Ø Wet-lunchtime
monitors could watch the Alexander DVD so that they have some awareness of
Issue: Responding to a
reaction in the classroom
Is there a procedure for dealing with a reaction in the classroom?
If the child is sent to the sickbay who will go with them?
If a child is too sick to go to the sick bay what will happen?
Ø The Public Health Nurse could help
write this procedure.
Issue: Responding to a
reaction in the playground
Is there a procedure for dealing with a reaction in the playground?
Ø The Public Health Nurse could help
write this procedure.
Issue: Handwashing
Is food residue being spread by unclean hands?
Ø Children can be encouraged by their
teachers to wash their hands after eating.
Ø All children have to wash their hands
before they come back in the room after lunch or morning tea. If there is a
sink in the classroom they could do it there.
Issue: School Trips
Who is responsible for carrying the medicine and supervising the child?
Are they trained in administering the Epipen?
Are there policies and procedures for keeping allergic children safe on
a school trip?
Ø If travel is by bus there should also
be a car available in case of emergencies.
Ø If the parent is available they will
be included as parent help.
Issue: After School Care
If a parent is unavoidably late is there a safe place for the child to
Who will make sure they are sent to the right place?
Concern: If they got sent to Wakacare would they
be given food?
Ø They could wait in the staffroom or at
the office.
Issue: Food in lessons
Is food used in lessons?
Who is responsible for making sure that food is used in a safe way?
Ø The parent should be included in
planning this kind of activity. They are more likely to identify risks and may
be able to think of alternatives.
Issue: Contaminated
Are food containers used in lessons? Eg yoghurt containers, egg cartons
Who is responsible for making sure that unsafe equipment is not used?
Ø Check with the parents.
Ø NB: Egg cartons are not safe unless
they are straight from the factory and have never been used. Diary containers
can be safe if they have been through the dishwasher.
Issue: Cooking in Class
How can cooking be done so that the allergic child is included and safe?
Who is responsible for making sure that all ingredients are safe and
there is no cross-contamination?
Ø Ask the parents for recipe ideas and
to check ingredients. They might be able to come and help.
Ø NB: It’s easy to bake without milk or
eggs if you know how.
Ø Note 2: All ingredients must be
checked. Bulk bins are not safe. Raisins can have nut traces.
Issue: Shared Food
Is there any shared food? (eg birthday cakes)
Who is responsible for making sure the allergic child doesn’t eat the
unsafe food?
How can the allergic child be made to feel included?
Ø If advanced warning is given to the
parent they may be able to provide a safe alternative.
Ø The parents can have a “treat” box
kept in the classroom so that the allergic child always has something nice to
eat when the others are eating.
Issue: Picking up rubbish
Children with food allergies can’t do this.
Issue: Educating
Who is responsible for making sure that classmates are educated about
Do they know how to help keep their classmate safe?
Do they know when and how to get help if their classmate has a reaction?
Ø A note can be sent home informing the
families of the other children about the child’s condition.
Ø Allergy NZ has a range of DVDs and
books for children that can be used in class.
Ø Allergy NZ has a new poster about
keeping your food-allergic friend safe which should be on the wall.
Ø Some schools have run allergy drills –
this could be part of general first aid education.
Ø Some parents would be willing to help
with this.
Helpful resources:
“Allergy Education Guide
for Schools and Pre-Schools”, from Allergy New Zealand
Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Inc) “Guidelines for prevention of
food anaphylactic reactions in schools, pre-schools and childcare centres.”
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